Ä orÄ¡ Vella
Policy Officer 21/22​
ASCS allowed me to grasp a full university experience, and more! I was hesitant to apply at first, I never had an experience within student societies, and only went to university for lectures, little did I know how much I was missing out on.
Serving as Policy Officer enriched my experience beyond expectations. I refined my research competences and developed a passion for evidence-based debate, you can say that ASCS was the first place where I could put my course's disciplines into action.
The Executive becomes your second family, and the bond lasts long after the term ends. Although we've had our own hurdles, I can only smile when I look back on my time with ASCS.
Nicola Kirkpatrick
Industry Officer 21/22
As industry officer for the term 2021/22 it was my job to organise events for the students that helped bridge the gap between them and the industry. A highlight of my time in ASCS was definitely organising the first Elevate conference where students got the opportunity to learn more about different topics and skills that would help them within the industry. Jumpstart Your Career, the annual ASCS recruitment campaign was another major event which brought together 19 companies to recruit FEMA students through an interview process. Overall I can honestly say it was a great year, spent with great people where I got to do a lot of work for the students of FEMA.
Yanica Aquilina
Media Officer 21/22
Being a media officer at ASCS has reaped so many benefits. It thought me skills I wouldn’t have thought possible, it thought me determination and time management, thought me to step out of my comfort zone and ultimately gave me friendships that will last a lifetime. Growing together as a team, overcoming hurdles and dealing with the impossible, we all learned to see each others talent and potential, and work towards helping the organisation become the version it can be to help students. I would surely recommend grasping this opportunity, stepping out of your comfort zone and forming part of the executive. Although it might not be so clear at first, it will surely be something you will be thankful for.
David Mallia
International Officer 21/22
My name is David Mallia, and I held the position of the international office within ASCS for the term 2021-22. Even though COVID-19 has had its impact on this term, this did not hinder the experience which I got. The two major things which I organised where the Erasmus talk which convinced a number of students to go study abroad and also the business trip which saw ASCS go to Budapest in Hungary after two years of no business trips.
My experience was a learning journey yet fun at the same time. Even though we had to face several challenges, working with the 2021-22 term was the best. Nothing could stop from achieving what we wanted, and this is what made this experience so epic.